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PSHE aims to help children understand themselves as individuals, build relationships with others and support their development as informed members of society. The broad areas covered in PSHE are behaviour, mental health and well-being, healthy lifestyles, online safety, drugs education and citizenship.

The pupils have quality time to discuss the issues raised in the lessons. These provide a safe opportunity for pupils to express their feelings and grievances and to empathise with the needs of others in class. In doing so we aim to teach our pupils the skills of tolerance, resilience, problem solving and appropriate social interactions. Other provision for these issues is through the curriculum itself through Picture News, whole school assembly, stories, safety videos, visiting experts  ( e.g. our local police officer, school nurse, charity workers). We use current events, both nationally and internationally, to stimulate lively, thought-provoking and interesting discussions  amongst classes. All lessons taught through this curriculum, including the supporting materials are in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE).  Where appropriate for some discussions we talk to both the girls and boys separately  as we feel that both genders are more comfortable  to talk in this situation. 


As of December 2021, the Governing Body has approved the use of Jigsaw to teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) as part of the PSHE curriculum at St. John’s School.

To Review the RSE Consultation Document click here


For information on Jigsaw please click on the links below:


‘‘Wonder boxes’ are available for pupils to report any concerns they may have. They appreciate that teachers respond to these worries quickly and are always there to help them. Ofsted, July 2022

To view St John's  PSHE Policy please click here to go to the Policies Section


© Copyright 2019 St John's C.E. Primary School Theobalds Park Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN2 9BD Tel: 020 8363 4709. Privacy Policy.

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