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P.E is a very important part of the curriculum and all of the children complete at least 2 hours of quality PE a week.  Activities undertaken during PE lessons include gymnastics, games, dance, athletics and outdoor adventurous activities.  Our year 3/4 children complete an intensive 10-week swimming programme on a yearly basis with the aim of all children being able to swim 25 metres by the end.

In P.E., as in every other curriculum area, our aim is to encourage pupils to develop their individual skills and resilience to the fullest.  Through P.E. they can learn to work together co-operatively in a group and the essentials of fair play.  They learn that regular exercise is good for their health and really enjoyable and rewarding. We wish them to experience a wide range of physical activities while at school so that they may be encouraged to continue some sporting activity in adult life.

Throughout the year, pupils in KS2 participate in a wide variety of competitive sports with other local schools encouraging competitiveness and teamwork.  A Sport’s Day is held every year during the Summer Term where all pupils compete in different fun races, a hugely popular event on the school calendar.  There are numerous after-school activities including netball, tennis, tag rugby, yoga, football and rounders clubs that take place on a weekly basis.  All KS2 participate in Bikeability and our year 5/6 children complete a bi-annual outdoor and adventurous residential week.

‘Leaders make effective use of the primary school sports funding. They have focused the use of some of this funding on ensuring that all pupils learn to swim. They also use the funding wisely to ensure that this small school is always represented in local competitive events.’  Ofsted, June 2017

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