Parent Representatives
Parent Representatives 2019 - 2020
The parents at St. John’s School are encouraged to become involved in helping to organise fun activities for the pupils and fundraising events throughout the year. These include the following:
Pop up shop every Friday
Secret shop for Christmas, Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day
Raffles at Christmas and Easter
Helping Santa with preparing gifts for all the pupils
Easter bonnet competition with a visit from the Eater Bunny
Mad Hatter’s Tea Party for all pupils in the Summer Term
Fun Run followed by a school fair
Every class has two parent representatives who will be happy to help and pass on information. Check with your class representatives as they have usually set up a form of communication with the whole class e.g. Whatsapp group
Class Representatives
Ruby Class (Nursery & Reception)
Sapphire Class ( Yr.1 & Yr.2)
Ewa Franke
Natalie Dean
Jackie Godbold
Shudi Misir
Diamond Class (Yr.3 & Yr. 4)
Maria Karakassis
Janice Chapman-Preedy
Sarah Venn
Emerald Class ( Yr.5 & Yr.6)
Rachel Charalambous
Valeria Williams
Claire Gentle
If you have any ideas for fundraising etc. or would like to help, please contact your parent representatives.