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Vision Statement and Values

Our Vision Statement and Values at St. John’s Church of England Primary School

The Context

At St. John’s Church of England Primary School, we believe that everyone is unique and valued by God and has the right to be treated as an individual with different learning and emotional needs. We aspire to be renowned for the excellent quality of teaching and learning in an environment where Christian values underpin all we do. We pride ourselves in being a nurturing and supportive school valuing the importance of all pupils’ emotional development and well-being. This is highlighted in our values of respect, compassion, forgiveness, endurance, confidence and justice, ensuring that we promote an inclusive school. At the heart of our school, we value the strengths of all members of our school community, building positive relationships and belonging to a caring and nurturing school community.  We believe in providing all children with the skills for lifelong learning through engaging children in a rich, challenging curriculum within a shared culture of safety and respect. At St. John’s we believe that all learners are unique individuals who are entitled to realise their full potential and in doing so develop the gifts that God has given them. We believe that Jesus’ journey can serve as an inspiration for our mindfulness and our own personal learning journeys; just like Jesus we too can be an inspiration to others.

Living Out Our Vision

As a school, everything we do links back to our vision and underlying values. This ranges from the design of our curriculum, to how we communicate with children, and our expectations within St. John’s Church of England Primary School and its community.


Our School Motto

Shine like stars

We recognise the importance of developing confident individuals who strive to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams and aspirations. As people created in the image of God we encourage our pupils to be a light shining out to those around them.

Our Vision Statement

Through God’s love, we will flourish and develop our gifts in our nurturing community, as we strive to be an inspiration to all.

At St. John’s Church of England Primary School, we aspire to provide a happy, caring and safe school where all our pupils are given every opportunity to reach their full potential. We believe that excellent learning occurs when children feel safe and are having fun. In our school we respect all cultures and originality. We provide inspiration for lifelong learning where both adults and children are learning new things every day.

Bible Quote

Our vision was developed based on the Bible quote:

Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.’

Matthew 5:16


This was identified as being truly representative of our school and who we are; it was decided upon collaboratively with all stakeholders. We felt that it represented the values we have as a school. Our staff and children are focused on being the best that they can be socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. This can be seen through children working hard to progress in their learning from their starting point (in all areas of our broad curriculum), showing a real sense of endurance to not give up on a task, developing the skills and confidence to become successful citizens. We believe as a school that with this mind-set, as per our Bible quote, our work will be celebrated and rewarded.


Our Values

Our school values help us….

  • to grant forgiveness,

  • to grow in respect,

  • to practise endurance,

  • to share compassion,

  • to work for justice for everyone,

  • to know confidence through Christ.

Our Aims

  • We aim to identify and provide for the needs of all children in all aspects of their development.

  • We aim to provide a stimulating, balanced and enriched curriculum which will encourage and motivate each child to reach his/her full potential.

  • We aim to develop attitudes of care, concern and respect for others and an understanding of people’s needs and differences

  • We aim to seek to develop a partnership with parents/carers through acknowledging the importance of a close, supportive working relationship between home and school

  • We have high expectations of our children’s behaviour and aim to help them develop into confident, independent and responsible individuals

  • We aim to ensure that the provision in every area of school life is continually developed and improved through reviewing and evaluating our methods and practices

  • We aim to promote opportunities for all, irrespective of sex, disability, race, religion or ethnic background

  • We aim to teach children about the Christian faith and its relevance in the modern world and to strengthen the links with our church and local community

  • To encourage all children to understand and adopt a healthy lifestyle


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