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Enriching our Community

Enriching the Lives of our  Children

At St. John’s school, we recognise that we have a huge part to play in nurturing and developing our children into the educated citizens of the future. To this end, we seek to complement our broad and balanced curriculum with a number of enrichment opportunities, both within and outside the school day. These opportunities are designed to equip our pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to success in life, whilst also promoting their appreciation of human creativity and achievement.


These areas are as follows:

Eco-Committee, Global Neighbours, Charities, Enrichment Opportunities, Extra- Curricular Clubs, Outdoor Learning.


At St. John’s School we are passionate about encouraging pupils to be compassionate and strive for justice for everyone in our world. As part of this process, we teach children about the importance of supporting others in the wider community in order to enable the children to become responsible citizens, caring about the world that we live in.

Every year as a school we participate in the following activities to support the wider community and to develop their awareness of different causes:

  • McMillan Coffee Morning and selling cakes

  • Jeans for Genes Day

  • Bridge of Hope Charity – sponsoring two children in Uganda

  • Delivering harvest donations to the Enfield Food Bank

  • Buying Poppies to support the Royal British Legion

  • Making Christmas boxes for the Operation Christmas Child Appeal

  • Christmas Jumper Day

  • Catriona Fathers’ cancer charity


Enrichment Opportunities

We are always on the lookout for ways to further develop and enrich the lives of our children.

We are proud of our link with the Enfield Town School Partnership (ETPS), who offer collaborative and community enrichment events such as: debating, Public Speaking, Maths Quiz, Spelling Bee, Poetry Festivals, Art and Science Competitions and much more.


Children are given opportunities at different times throughout their school life but as we are a small school most pupils will have participated in a variety of events by Yr. 6.

In addition to this, we regularly invite guests in to lead workshops and assemblies on a range of enriching topics such as Bridge of Hope, Global Neighbours and author visits. We have worked with a professional Poet – Paul Lyalls on a poetry festival and publishing our own Poetry book for parents. We also celebrate international and national events such as World Book Day, The Royal Wedding, Comic Relief, Mental Health Week. 

Extra- Curricular Clubs

Our dedicated staff team, give their time to organise extra activities for the children either before or after school.

A range of clubs for all ages run throughout the year in ten week blocks (each term). Although the range of clubs will vary, the school offers a high number of active clubs as many pupils live in flats and we are passionate about promoting healthy lifestyles to support pupils’ fitness and wellbeing.


We also run a choir, opportunity to learn an instrument, science, art and craft, cooking, gardening and games.

In this section

Outdoor Learning

We are blessed at St. John’s School to have Hillyfields on our doorstep


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